How to make an iOS app for tracking face with AR
As a AR beginner, I'm getting started with augmented reality in Swift. I will show a few steps about how to build the first AR App in the below.
Let's dig in ...
Step 1: Open up Xcode and choose the Augmented Reality App template -
Step 2: Short Introduction about a view of ARSCNView -
The Main.storyboard contains a single view controller which has a main view of type ARSCNView. This view is a special view used for displaying scenes that blend the device’s camera view with virtual 3D content.
Step 3: Adding a Label for creating an action button -
Step 4: Codes in the func viewWillAppear -
ARFaceTrackingConfiguration() is a configuration that tracks facial movement and expressions using the front-facing camera. is to run this motion which is tracking by front-facing camera
sceneView.session.pause() is to pause this motion
Step 5. Codes in the func renderer(_:nodeFor:) -
Creating a face geometry "faceMesh" for rendering with the specified Metal device object "device: sceneView.device!"
Returning a new SceneKit node, which ARKit will add to the scene and update to follow its corresponding AR anchor.
Step 6. Handling Content Updates by func renderer(SCNSceneRenderer, didUpdate: SCNNode, for: ARAnchor) -
Tells the delegate ARSCNView that a SceneKit node's properties have been updated to match the current expression(anchor: faceAnchor) of its corresponding anchor. You also can see different text by different actions: self.label.text = self.action
Step 7 : Analyzing your expression by ARFaceAnchor -
In the func renderer(SCNSceneRenderer, didUpdate: SCNNode, for: ARAnchor), we will call the func expression(anchor: ARFaceAnchor), using blend shapes to measure facial movement.
Github link from Prof Vladimir Cezar
Thank you Vladimir Cezar !!!